EMERGENCY helpline

Welcome to Mná Feasa

You don't need a bruise ...to be abused

Mná Feasa is a women's domestic violence project and part of a wider community-based initiative called Cork Anti-Poverty Resource Network (CAPRN).

About Us

Mná Feasa is a women's domestic violence project and part of a wider community-based initiative called Cork Anti-Poverty Resource Network (CAPRN).

CAPRN aims to encourage and empower individuals to become active agents in shaping their own lives and communities. Currently, CAPRN is responsible for five Cork community-based projects, which consist of:

  • Write Together: An adult literacy scheme enabling learners to improve their skills.
  • Mná Feasa: A project supporting women experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
  • Women Supporting Women: A mentoring programme for women parenting alone.
  • Páistí @ No. 3: A project which aims to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for children.
  • Cork City North Mature Women’s Action Group: A collective of mature women working towards change.
Get In Touch

What We Do

The Origin of Mná Feasa

The name ‘Mná Feasa’ (in English, ‘Wise Women’) originates from Irish Mythology. The wise women were warrior women to whom Fionn Mac Cumhaill was sent as a child by his mother to save him from potential violence or death.

Mná Feasa is a community based project set up in 1991 by the Cork Women’s Action Group as a response to calls received when a local woman was murdered by her husband in their home. It was set up primarily by women who have themselves survived domestic violence and it is thus a crucial link in women’s challenges to violence. The group started a two-hour a week helpline staffed by women who had themselves travelled the road of Domestic Violence.

The Cork Women’s Action group began programmes of personal development and facilitation work and the project slowly grew to what we see today.


  • Helpline 021-4211 757
    Monday – Friday : 10am – 4pm

  • Women can call the helpline during these hours and can also use it to make individual appointments to meet in our Centre. We provide non-judgmental support, discuss options and provide information to women to help them decide what is best for them in their situation.

We can also arrange

  • Individual appointments / One-to-One support for women to meet with us and discuss their options in person.

  • The One-to-One Support Service provides in-depth information and support to women subjected to domestic violence and abuse. By appointment only.

  • To do this contact the Helpline on 021-4211 757
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